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Literatuur & Cocaïne
Literatuur over cocaïne
Literatuur over cocaïne
Hieronder staat een overzicht van de literatuur waarop de informatie op deze pagina is gebaseerd:
- Cocaine in pregnancy: Recent data on maternal and fetal risks – MA Plessinger, 1998
- Cocaine abuse in pregnancy: Effects on the fetus and newborn – L Ryan, 1987
- Prenatal cocaine exposure: An examination of childhood externalizing and internalizing behavior problems at age 7 years – VH Accornero, 2006
- A Review of the Effects of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure Among School-Aged Children – JP Ackerman, 2010
- Prenatal Cocaine Exposure and Children’s Language Functioning at 6 and 9.5 Years: Moderating Effects of Child Age, Birthweight, and Gender – M Beeghly, 2005
- Learning Disabilities and Intellectual Functioning in School-Aged Children With Prenatal Cocaine Exposure – CE Morrow, 2006
- Cocaine use in pregnancy in Amsterdam – BJ Smit, 1994
- Prenatal cocaine exposure: Drug and environmental effects at 9 years – LT Singer, 2008
- Growth, development, and behavior in early childhood following prenatal cocaine exposure. A systematic review – DA Frank, 2001
- Fetal effects of cocaine: an updated meta-analysis – A Addis, 2001
- Pre-natal exposures to cocaine and alcohol and physical growth patters to age 8 years – JC Lumeng, 2007
- Cocaine effects on the developing brain: current status – JA Harvey, 2004
- Stimulants, Sex, and Gender – AH Brown, 2005
- The effects of prenatal cocaine use on infant development – GA Richardson, 2008
- Emotional arousal in cocaine exposed toddlers: Prediction of behavior problems – TM Chaplin, 2009
- Acute neonatal effects of cocaine exposure during pregnancy – CR Bauer, 2005
- A comprehensive review of assay methods to determine drugs in breast milk and the safety of breastfeeding when taking drugs – B Friguls, 2010
- Addiction in pregnancy – J Keegan, 2010