What is XTC / MDMA?
XTC is a drug. It's a pill that contains the substance MDMA. MDMA also appears as a powder or as crystals. The drug in XTC and MDMA is the same, it just looks different.
XTC gives you more energy. You feel happy and 'in love'. You also have a desire to talk to or hug others. Because of these effects, most people use 3-MMC at a party. At a club, festival, at a bar or at home with friends, for example.
Using XTC also has risks. You could overheat or experience problems with your heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular system).
Some people drink too much water and get 'water poisoning'. If you use XTC often and in large amounts, you could start to experience depression or other mental problems. It can also be harmful for your brain.
Do you use XTC? Or do you know someone who uses it? Make sure you know what you can do to make the risks of using it smaller. Do you not want to face any risks? Then it's better to not use XTC at all.
XTC in short
What does it do to you?
- You want to talk with and hug others (entactogenic)
- You feel more energetic and free
- You get a happy feeling as if you're in love (euphoria)
- You experience the world around you differently: you see colors more intensely and music sounds different
You'll notice the effects after 20-60 minutes when swallowing XTC. After 4-6 hours, the effects will have worn off.
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How is it used?
XTC (a pill with MDMA) is swallowed. The positive and negative effects are stronger the more you take. To know how much you're taking, it's important to get your pill tested. You can do this at our test service. Many people think a certain color or shape of pill always contains the same amount, but this is often not true. So always get your pills tested.
- A light dose is 0,5 mg per kilo of body weight
- An average dose is is 1-1,5 mg per kilo of body weight
- A strong dose is more than 1,5 mg per kilo of body weight
So at a weight of 70kg for example;
- 35mg is a light dose
- 70-105mg is an average dose
- 105mg+ is a strong dose
Because you might weigh more than others, you should never recommend your dose to others without calculating the right amount first.
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What are the risks?
Using XTC / MDMA also has risks. Some risks you'll notice right away, like overheating or water poisoning. Other risks you'll only notice later, after the drugs have worn off, like depression and addiction.
Are you planning to use XTC? Then that's never without risk. There are things you can look out for to make the risks smaller. You can read useful tips further down on this page on what to do before, after and during use.
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Making risks smaller
- Make sure to get your drugs tested before use. Then you'll know how strong they are and whether there's other dangerous substances in there.
- Only use XTC or MDMA if you feel good mentally and physically
- Do you use medication? Make sure to ask your doctor whether you can use XTC. You can read more about combining drugs and medicine here. Are you still unsure? Then you can contact our Question & Answer service.
- Do you feel depressed or anxious? Then don't use XTC or other drugs for a while. They could make you feel worse.
- Prevent overheating and dehydration. Drink enough water, but not too much. 1 glass of water, soda or sport drink per hour is enough. Take a rest and cool down every now and then. Don't wear very warm clothing.
- Don't combine XTC/MDMA with alcohol or other drugs
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What does it look like?
XTC: pills in different shapes and colors with different logos.
MDMA: white, gray or brown crystals. Sometimes as a powder or in a capsule.
Sometimes the same designs are re-used for new pills. New pills are not always the same as old ones that look the same.
For that reason it's important to always test new pills, even if they look the same as a pill you bought and tested before.
What does it do to you?
Werking en effect
The effect of alcohol and drugs can be different every time. This has to do with how you feel mentally and physically (set) and where and with who you are at that moment (setting). How much you take and what exactly is in your drugs also matters for the effect. We call this drug, set, setting’
What does XTC do to you?
XTC is stimulating and changes the way you perceive things. This means;
- You want to talk with and hug others (entactogenic)
- You feel more energetic and free
- You get a happy feeling as if you're in love (euphoria)
- You experience the world around you differently: you see colors more intensely and music sounds different
You'll notice the effects after 20-60 minutes when swallowing XTC. After 4-6 hours, the effects will have worn off. Some people want the effect to last longer. Because the party isn't over, for example. They might take more XTC. This usually doesn't work and it increases the risks. So it's better not to take more.
How is it used?
How is it used?
XTC (a pill with MDMA) is swallowed. The positive and negative effects are stronger the more you take. To know how much you're taking, it's important to get your pill tested. You can do this at our test service. Many people think a certain color or shape of pill always contains the same amount, but this is often not true. So always get your pills tested.
- A light dose is 0,5 mg per kilo of body weight
- An average dose is is 1-1,5 mg per kilo of body weight
- A strong dose is more than 1,5 mg per kilo of body weight
So at a weight of 70kg for example;
- 35mg is a light dose
- 70-105mg is an average dose
- 105mg+ is a strong dose
Because you might weigh more than others, you should never recommend your dose to others without calculating the right amount first.
Other ways to use MDMA
MDMA powder or crystal can be put in a capsule or swallowed in another way, like putting it in rolling paper and swallowing it (parachuting)
MDMA powder can also be snorted, but this is very painful. Most users don't use MDMA this way.
Powder is sometimes also licked with small licks of powder at a time. Please note that you need less mg than if you were to swallow a pill.
For more information about using XTC/MDMA, you can check out Unity.nl
What are the risks?
What are the risks of using XTC / MDMA?
Some risks you'll notice right away when you use XTC/MDMA. Those are short term risks. Other risks you'll notice after the effects have worn off. These are long term risks.
What are the short-term risks?
- You could overheat
- You can feel afraid or panicked
- If you drink too much water, you can get very sick (water poisoning). This could happen up to 24 hours after you used XTC/MDMA.
- Many people get a hangover (tuesday dip). This dip usually comes a few days after using XTC. You might feel sad, tired or unmotivated.
- You can feel scared or panicked
- You could get problems with your heart and blood vessels. Like strong heartbeats (palpitations), a heart attack or stroke.
- You could get an epileptic seizure
- You could get 'excited delirium syndrome' - you suddenly act very aggressive without noticing it. This is very uncommon, but it can be very dangerous for yourself and the people around you.
What are the long-term risks?
- XTC could be harmful to your brain
- You could maybe feel sad for longer (depression)
- XTC could cause damage to your ability to remember things
Making risks smaller
How can you minize the risks of using?
Using alcohol or other drugs is never without risk. Do you want to avoid all risks? Then don't use XTC/MDMA.
- Make sure to get your drugs tested before use. Then you'll know how strong they are and whether there's other dangerous substances in there.
- Only use XTC or MDMA if you feel good mentally and physically
- Do you use medication? Make sure to ask your doctor whether you can use XTC. You can read more about combining drugs and medicine here. Are you still unsure? Then you can contact our Question & Answer service.
- Do you feel depressed or anxious? Then don't use XTC or other drugs for a while. They could make you feel worse.
- Prevent overheating and dehydration. Drink enough water, but not too much. 1 glass of water, soda or sport drink per hour is enough. Take a rest and cool down every now and then. Don't wear very warm clothing.
- Don't combine XTC/MDMA with alcohol or other drugs
- Don't participate in traffic
You can read more tips related to using on the XTC page on Unity.nl
XTC en de wet
Wat staat er in de wet over XTC?
XTC staat op lijst 1 van de Opiumwet. Volgens de wet is het een harddrug. Dat betekent dat je het niet bij je mag hebben, mag maken of mag verkopen.
Als je een klein beetje XTC bij je hebt (1 pil), word je daar meestal niet voor gestraft. Wel kun je bij een feest geweigerd of weggestuurd worden. Als je meer pillen of gram bij je hebt, kan de beveiliging of politie denken dat je drugs verkoopt (dealen). Hiervoor kun je hier wel een boete of gevangenisstraf krijgen.
XTC/MDMA statistics and data
How many people use XTC/MDMA?
non-final paragraph, missing some statistics.
There is a lot of research into drug usage in the Netherlands. Some research is about all people above 18 years old. Other research is about smaller groups. Like people who go out a lot, students, or citizens of a specific city. This research gives us a good overview of drug usage in the Netherlands.
..% of Dutch people aged 18 and over had in 2022 used XTC in the last year (NDM). If we look only at 18-29 year olds the percentage is a bit higher at ..% When we look at people who go out between the ages of 16-35, the percentage is a lot higher at ..%.
- A large amount of incidents reported to the Monitor DrugsIncidenten involved patients combining different drugs with XTC.
- The LADIS keeps track of how many people need help with a certain substance in addiction care organizations. In 2023 XTC/MDMA users made up less than 1% of the total amount of people looking for addiction care.
XTC in de verslavingszorg (2022)
139 personen (<1 % van alle mensen in de verslavingszorg)
Gemiddelde leeftijd: 27 jaar
Bron: Ladis
XTC / MDMA and medicine
XTC / MDMA and medicine
If you want to use alcohol or other drugs it's important you feel good physically and mentally. If you're sick, sad or fearful for example, then alcohol and drugs can make it worse.
Some drugs in combination with certain medicine can make you very sick. Some combinations can even be deadly.
Are you using medicine and do you still want to use alcohol or other drugs? Then carefully research if you can beforehand. You can ask your doctor or pharmacy. Or check our overview. Do you still feel uncertain? Then make sure to message us at our Question & Answer service.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
XTC / MDMA and pregnancy & breastfeeding
Do not use alcohol or other drugs if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Drugs are harmful for the baby and can cause your baby to be born sick.
More info about the influence of cocaine on sex, pregnancy and breastfeeding can be found in this overview.